© 1993-2022 Eric Rosenberg Design
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All Images © 2024 HBO / MAX • Robert Downey Jr. Photos by Hopper Stone
The General's Liquor Store is placed right in the center of Hollywood courtesy of VFX.
The day of the store's grand opening finds the store's parking lot wall sign defaced with a graffiti rendering of the infamous Saigon Execution photograph.
Based on my design of the General's liquor store signage, my colleague Carly Sertic designed a grand opening banner at the entrance
My colleague Carly Sertic designed the Happy Burger neon sign accompanying my Smiley Face franchise logo
The Captain's first exposure to the Congressman comes via this 1976 campaign flyer
The Congressman's campaign graphics dressed in at the Alhambra filming location
Ford and Sadat Source Photo: AFP / Stringer / Getty Images
The Reagans Source Photo: Bettmann / Getty Images
The Congressman's Wife Rita in Front of the Rally Stage at Their California Mansion Home
The Final Graphics Previs of the Congressman's Rally Stage
This photo of the Congressman with President Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger is featured in the Congressman's private office
Nixon and Kissinger Source Photo: Consolidated News Pictures / Getty Images
Painting by Christopher Soohoo
The series' first reference to 'The Auteur', Nicos Damianos are the array of posters for 'The Combination Part II' at the Saigon movie theater in Episode 1
Inspired by The Godfather I and II posters are The Combination and it's Sequel, Part II from Director Nicos Damianos
Robert Downey Jr. as the Auteur, film director Nicos Damianos
The Auteur, Nicos Damianos References His Film Antigone and the Award Winning Lead Actress
The logo for 'The Hamlet' film production for which the Captain is a Vietnam consultant. Following the rushed type design of the logo I later had time to flesh it out for use on crew T-shirts for Costumes.
I had to quickly design a logo for 'The Hamlet' just days before the script prop was to be shot when Showrunner Park Chan Wook decided he wanted the film to be branded as it's introduced to the Captain.
Episode 2: The Final Graphics Elevation of the Texas Feed and Grocery Store
Episode 2: In-Room Graphics from an Arizona Motel Room
Welcome Banners Greeting the Vietnamese Refugees at the Fort Chaffee Military Base